Craft your very own

Bespoke Retreat

Start your bespoke wellness journey with us

As well as our Body & Soul Retreats, we can be flexible and create your very own bespoke retreat for friends and family. We aim to make your visit as bespoke as possible! Choose the elements that work for you, check availability and then book.  We welcome groups of friends for special occasions such as healthy ‘perk-up pre-wedding parties’ and will try and accommodate your needs when we can.



Consultation with us

You will have scheduled a 1-on-1 call or Zoom (whichever your preference) with Chinese medicine specialist, Nonna. The purpose of this call will be to check your wellbeing and find out more about you. From this call, we will also be able to put together a personalised Chinese tea remedy for you to start prior to your week-long stay with us.You will also have a scheduled consultation with our Head Trainer/Nutritionist. The purpose of this consultation is to explore your current fitness and map out a personalised fitness plan and design a  bespoke detox diet. All meals, snacks and drinks throughout your stay will be inclusive within your retreat and you will start your journey of eating well which you can continue when you return home.
Contact us for more information

Our aim for you

We aim to start the process of unleashing your inner brilliance both in body and soul. Life can often whittle away our confidence, be that through challenging life, work or caring experiences and responsibilities and as women we often put others well-being in front of our own desires. Here is an opportunity for you to truly focus on your needs, be they to lose weight or to find the ‘lost you’ so that you can find and start to develop your transformational empowered core.

Keeping accountable

If you feel that some of the activities push you way beyond your comfort zone, then we have our Life Coach who will support and guide you if you feel unable to take part in any activity. As with everything in life – the more you put in, the more you will get out and you are personally responsible for all the positive outcomes whilst being supported by our very skilled and motivating team. This said, there’s no need to feel anxious about the daily programmes, since exercises will be tailored to your mood and abilities. As well as wellbeing, fitness improvement plays a big part in your week with us. For anyone with the focus to do so, with our support, we absolutely envisage each member will experience weight loss and change in body shape and weight in just one week.
Contact us for more information